
Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn.
Magdalena Rogger
Tel.: +43-1-58801-22327
Institute of Hydrology and Water Resource Management,
Vienna University of Technology,
Karlsplatz 13/222, A-1040 Vienna,
Magdalena Rogger
Magdalena Rogger works as a PostDoc at the Institute of Hydraulic Engineering and Water Resources Management, where she also completed her PhD in Hydrology as a member of the "Vienna Doctoral Programme on Water Resource Systems" in March 2013.
Research Interest:
- Impacts of land use changes on runoff processes and floods at different scales
- Estimation of design floods with different deterministic and statistical methods and related discrepancies
- Runoff processes and flood generation in alpine catchments
- Impacts of permafrost on runoff processes in alpine catchments and possible impacts of climate change
Magdalena’s research within the ERC project focuses on the impacts of land use changes on floods. She is mainly interested in disentangling the effects of agricultural soil compaction on runoff processes and floods at different scales.
In her PhD Magdalena focused on "Extreme flood estimation and runoff processes in alpine catchments" for which she received the Fehrer Award of the Vienna University of Technology for the year 2013. So far, she has published 7 papers in ISI indexed journals and is currently the co-target leader of the new IAHS initiative “Panta Rhei” for target 1 "Understanding Change".