
Ladislav Gaál, Ph.D.
Tel.: +43-1-58801-22333
Institute of Hydrology and Water Resource Management,
Vienna University of Technology,
Karlsplatz 13/222, A-1040 Vienna,
Ladislav Gaál
Ladislav Gaál works as a project assistant at the Institute of Hydraulic Engineering and Water Resources Management. His stay at the Institute is supported by a a Marie Curie Intra European Fellowship 'IMPALA' within the 7th European Community Framework Programme.
Research Interests:
- precipitation/flood frequency analysis
- regional analysis and mapping of extreme hydrologic events
- dependence modeling of hydrological variables by means of copulas
- temporal and spatial analysis of properties of convective rainfall
- climate change impacts on the hydrological cycle
- evaluation of regional climate model outputs for precipitation climate
Ladislav’s research within the ERC project focuses on the impacts of the changes in the properties and frequency of occurrence of intense rainfall events as proxies for the changes in the occurrence of flash flood events.
In his PhD (defended in the year 2007, at the Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovakia), he dealt with methods of regional frequency analysis of precipitation extremes in Slovakia. So far, he has published 14 papers in ISI indexed journals.